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Enagás posts net profit of €95Mn thanks to efficiency efforts and asset acquisitions
Enagás’ net profit climbs 4.1% on 2012 to €379.5Mn
Enagás completes acquisition of 90% of Naturgas Energía Transporte from EDP
Enagás donates 100.000 euro to the project "Cáritas against the crisis"
Fitch ratifies its long-term "A-" rating for Enagás
Enagás reports net profit of €281.4Mn
Enagás completes €250 million bond issue
Enagás successfully completes €500 million bond issue
Enagás culminates its process of hive-downs at subsidiaries and accreditation by the CNE regulator and the European Union as an independent gas transmission network manager
Enagás completes acquisition of 20% stake in the GNL Quintero regasification terminal in Chile
Enagás retains place in Dow Jones Sustainability Index for fifth year running
Enagás agrees to acquire 90% of Naturgas Energía Transporte from EDP