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The Chairman of Enagás visits the Basque regional premier, Iñigo Urkullu
Enagás results on target
Enagás wins the EFQM's Good Practice Competition
Enagás estimates an impact of €120 million on average in its regulated revenues as a result of the gas reform announced by the Government
Consortium consisting of Enagás and Odebrecht awarded contract to build South Peru Gas Pipeline
Press Release: Awarded contract to build South Peru Gas Pipeline
Enagás, only Spanish company ranked in the Euronext-Vigeo World 120 sustainability index
Enagás' Chairman, Antonio Llardén, takes part in the Spain Economic Forum 2014 in New York
Enagás obtains UNE-EN ISO 14064 certification of its carbon footprint
Enagás results in line with guidance for 2014
Pipeline linking Basque Country with Cantabria and Asturias inaugurated
Enagás successfully completes €750 million bond issue