The Technical Management of the Gas System Regulations (NGTS) determine the operation of the Gas System, setting out the relationships between the different agents and the relevant action procedures. They lay down the general conditions of use of the facilities by the users, as well as the main guidelines for operation, and include procedures for the management of the System in normal, exceptional and emergency scenarios.
The NGTS also provide for the development of detailed protocols for those aspects that require further definition.
Both the NGTS and the detailed protocols apply to the Technical System Manager, transmission companies, distributors, shippers and direct market consumers.
In this section, you can consult the texts of the NGTS and the associated detailed protocols, as well as the amendments and corrections thereto. These are unofficial documents with no legal validity, prepared by Enagás on a voluntary basis to facilitate and expedite their consultation. In the event of a discrepancy, incoherence, inaccuracy or inconsistency with current regulations, the regulations published in the Official State Gazette shall prevail, without Enagás GTS, S.A.U. accepting any responsibility in this regard.
The NGTS and detailed protocols are continuously updated by a working group comprised of representatives of the GTS, CNMC, Ministry, CORES and REE, as well as representatives of the different types of System agents: transmission companies, distributors, shippers and direct market consumers.
The GTS is responsible for forwarding the group’s proposals to the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines for processing and, where applicable, approval.
Agent representatives are elected every two years. If you have any questions about the election process, please contact
The procedures describe in detail the conditions of use and operation of the System. There are two types of procedures:
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In this section, you can download the regulations and standards for the measurement, quality and odorisation of gas and gas equipment, in accordance with the provisions of PD-01.