The system managing the guarantees of origin (GO) for renewable gases can be reached at The system allows for the issuance, transfer, import and export and cancellation of guarantees of origin.
Here is a video explaining how to use the platform.
The system managing the guarantees of origin for renewable gases can be reached at
In this page you can find all the information regarding the setting of the system that will manage the guarantees of origin for renewable gases in Spain.
A guarantee of origin is an electronic document that certifies the renewable character of 1 MWh of gas while detailing its production particular features: when and where it was produced, the type of production facility and the energy source among others.
Guarantees of origin (GO) have the sole function of showing to a final customer that a given share or quantity of energy was produced from renewable sources.
The following regulation applies to GOs in Spain:
According to Royal Decree 376 the GO System shall be operational within 6 months since the publication of the management procedure. However, the recent governmental Plan +SE (more energy security) established two milestones for its commissioning:
Enagás GTS met the established milestones, so that the system of guarantees of origin began operating in January 2023. The system currently allows the issuance, transfer, export and import and cancellation of guarantees of origin.
For further information or doubts, please contact us in You can also submit you question at the following link.
The drafting of the Management Procedure went through a robust consultation process:
The management procedure includes a number of modifications from the documents previously consulted. The document “FAQs regarding the management procedure” updates the questions received during the public consultation with the adaptation of the answers to the Management Procedure as has been approved.
Royal Decree 376 establishes that a Committee of Subjects shall be created by the Responsible Entity. The aim of this Committee is:
The Committee of Subjects will be ruled by internal functioning rules to be approved by the Committee itself, that will include:
The chapter 10 of the management procedure defines the requirements to be a member of the Committee of Subjects, distinguishing between two different types of members: full members (with voice and voting rights) and members with voice but no voting rights. In order to be a Full member, a stakeholder will have to be registered as Account Holder in the GO System.
The Commiittee of Subjects was formally constituted in December 2023. More details on how it works can be found on the website of the system of guarantees of origin.
The chapter 11 of the management procedure distinguishes between two different types of documents: detailed procedures and manuals, questionnaires and informative guides. The full list can be foud here.
The list of additional public documents remains updated in the website of the GO System, here.
Most of the documentation is temporarily available only in Spanish, translated versions into English will be published shortly. Please feel free to address us in English if it suits you better.