Enagás obtains the highest rating (A List) in the CDP Climate Change ranking

Descarbonisation Corporate
06 February 2024


Enagás is among the leading companies in the world to be included in the CDP Climate Change ‘A List’, the highest rating on this annual climate action index. 

This ranking places Enagás among the world’s most advanced companies, for the fourth year, in terms of sustainability and environmental management, for its performance and transparency in the fields of emissions reduction, risk management and opportunities arising from climate change, and promoting a low-carbon economy.

Enagás' continued inclusion in this ranking, in which this year 23,000 companies worldwide have taken part by reporting climate information, is further recognition of its commitment to energetic transition, carbon neutrality, the setting of ambitious emission reduction targets, as well as its commitment to the development of hydrogen and other renewable gases.

Since 2014, the company has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 50%, which represents significant progress towards its goal of becoming a carbon-neutral company by 2040.

In addition, it is promoting a future hydrogen network in Europe, which will advance the decarbonisation not only of its own operations, but of the entire sector. In addition, it develops actions whose main goal is to improve or protect the natural environment and promote sustainability, towards the fulfilment of its objective of positive impact on nature by 2050, as a fundamental part of its commitment to the energy transition.

CDP is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to promote greenhouse gas reduction, preserve biodiversity, protect forests and safeguard water resources among companies and governments. Its procedures and methodology are considered a benchmark in corporate environmental transparency for investors all over the world. Fully aligned with the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures, CDP maintains the largest global environmental database and is the leading provider of climate information for investors. CDP is a founding member of the Science Based Targets, We Mean Business Coalition, The Investor Agenda and Net Zero Asset Managers initiatives.

Leadership in sustainability

This recognition y the CDP reinforces Enagás’ leadership in sustainability. The company has renewed its presence in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the 16th consecutive year and has the highest ESG rating in its sector in the FTSE4Good sustainability index.

Moreover, Enagás’ carbon footprint has been registered by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. In line with its commitment to reduce methane emissions, the company has voluntarily joined the OGMP 2.0 initiative, spearheaded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with the support of the European Commission, and has achieved the highest rating: Gold Standard for the third consecutive year. 


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