Successful completion of the adaptation of the Sagunto Terminal to supply LNG to ships

Renewable gases Descarbonisation
12 December 2023
  • The project has been co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) transport aid programme

The ‘LNGHIVE2: Infrastructure and Logistics Solutions’ project, coordinated by Enagás and promoted by Saggas and the Valenciaport Foundation, has successfully completed the adaptation of the Sagunto regasification terminal (Valencia) to offer liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering services.

Launched in October 2018, the project advances the European Union’s decarbonisation objectives in the field of sustainable mobility. 20% of the total investment has been financed with European funds from the European transport aid programme Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

‘LNGHIVE2: Infrastructure and Logistics Solutions’ is part of the strategy to deploy LNG supply points in ports, and develop the associated market promoted by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility through Puertos del Estado (the Spanish Ports Authority).

During the presentation of the results of this initiative, held today at the Sagunto regasification terminal, the CEO of Saggas, Santiago Álvarez, pointed out that “participation in this European initiative has allowed us to expand the services offered at our facilities. The adaptation of our quay has made it possible for our facilities to load LNG in small scale vessels, with a capacity of less than 6,500 m3, which will contribute to boosting bunkering activity in our area".

Also participating in the event was the CEO of the Valenciaport Foundation, Antonio Torregrosa, that pointed out that “The port of Sagunto is a transcendental enclave in the Valenciaport Zero Net Emissions 2030 decarbonisation strategy. In the transition towards the consolidation of the port of Sagunto as an energy hub of international reference, LNG plays an essential role in the sustainability of the maritime sector and the fulfilment of the commitments reached within the International Maritime Organisation. The support of the European Commission and the Port Authority of Valencia, through the LNGHIVE2 project, is essential to achieve these objectives”.

“Heading towards strong reduction of emissions is one of the major priorities of the European Commission, and transport is a crucial sector in this regard. The ‘LNGHIVE2 Infrastructure and logistics solutions’ project contributes to the transition to reach the ambitious target of a zero-emission transport sector”, declared Richard Ferrer, Head of the Transport Innovation Team at CINEA, “It guarantees the LNG supply services in 2 strategic Spanish ports. This demonstrates that the decarbonisation of maritime transport is not only a possibility but becomes a reality: it is happening right here and right now!”.

According to Enagás’ Gas Assets General Manager, Claudio Rodríguez, “in a context of special complexity and demands in terms of decarbonisation for ports and their activity, both linked to intermodality and the industrial environment, this project has become an acceleration tool based on an example of public-private partnership, which lays the foundations for the introduction of renewable gases in accordance with the new regulation on Alternative Fuels Infrastructures in Mobility (AFIR)”.

The use of LNG in transport contributes to improving air quality. It reduces NOx emissions by 85-90%, CO2 emissions by around 25% and SOx and particles by almost 100% compared to traditional fuels. 


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