Experts from Spanish and French technology centres agree on the viability of hydrogen infrastructures

Innovation Renewable gases Events
26 September 2024
  • The Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the French Embassy in Spain, Aymeric Chuzeville, and the Energy Transition General Manager of Enagás, Natalia Latorre, inaugurated the “Technological Challenges of Hydrogen Infrastructures” conference organised by the Hydrogen Technology Observatory, the French Embassy in Spain and the Institut français de España with the collaboration of Enagás
  • The expert panel formed by the Director of the Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIC-UPV), José Manuel Serra; the Director General of the CDTI, José Moisés Martín, and the Deputy Director of the Hydrogen Research Federation (CNRS), Daniel Hissel, underlined the technological maturity of hydrogen production, transmission and storage

Large-scale production, transmission and storage of green hydrogen are technologically feasible today. This was the conclusion reached by representatives of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) who took part in the event “Technological Challenges of Hydrogen Infrastructures”, organised by the Hydrogen Technology Observatory and the French Embassy in Spain with the collaboration of Enagás, which was held today at the headquarters of the Institut Français in Madrid.

The Chargé d’Affaires a.i of the French Embassy in Spain, Aymeric Chuzeville, inaugurated the event highlighting the importance of hydrogen: “one of the strategic sectors that will allow us to meet our competitiveness and energy transition targets”. He also noted the “close collaboration” in the energy sector between Spain and France. “With the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in Barcelona on 19 January 2023, our two countries reaffirmed their commitment to develop the H2Med project in an equitable manner and in accordance with European standards, and pledged to cooperate in the development of innovation for the ecological transition,” he added.

Natalia Latorre, Enagás’ Energy Transition General Manager, stressed during her speech that “hydrogen is a reality and transmission and hydrogen infrastructures are also a reality”. Latorre pointed out that the hydrogen consumption targets in the European Union will extend to 20 million tonnes in 2030 according to REPowerEU, which is committed to corridors so that “hydrogen reaches where it is needed”.

Enagás’ Energy Transition General Manager also highlighted the greater ambition contained in the 2023-2030 National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), approved by the Council of Ministers this week at the proposal of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, which raises hydrogen production in Spain to 12 GW by 2030.

Both Chuzeville and Latorre highlighted the role of the Hydrogen Technology Observatory, an initiative launched by Enagás in April 2024 to promote innovation, the exchange of technical knowledge in the hydrogen value chain and technological advances that accelerate the deployment of this energy carrier.

This was followed by an expert panel who agreed on the technological maturity of renewable hydrogen development. The Deputy Director of the Hydrogen Research Federation (FRH2) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Daniel Hissel, highlighted the milestones achieved in its production, storage, transmission and distribution. “Technologically, the advances in recent years have been considerable. When there is a collective will, technological challenges are overcome,” he stated.

Tractor effect on industry

In turn, the Director General of the Centre for Development and Innovation (CDTI), José Moisés Martín, argued that transnational infrastructures such as H2Med contribute to boosting technology and internal R&D&I and to generating common European standards, which are key to deploying these solutions on a large scale. “The development of large European projects must have the capacity to drive national industry,” he reflected.

Likewise, the Director of the Institute of Chemical Technology - a joint centre of the CSIC and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) - José Manuel Serra, confirmed that “there is sufficient maturity” to develop renewable hydrogen infrastructures. “Over long distances, transporting hydrogen by pipeline is the most efficient option, because of the type of infrastructure. And in this regard, innovations are already taking place, “he said.


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