The Guitiriz-Zamora hydrogen pipeline is a priority for Enagás

Infrastructure Descarbonisation Renewable gases
30 November 2023
  • The company will resubmit the project to the next call for Common Interest Projects in 2024

In the list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) presented this week, the European Commission has selected only those projects which, following the analysis carried out, it has considered to be necessary at this time for interconnections - in this case to bring renewable hydrogen produced in Spain to the H2Med corridor - differentiating them from those projects which, due to their characteristics or approach, it considers to be necessary to meet national demand. This is the case for several projects in other European countries.

As the current promoter of the project, Enagás has included the Guitiriz-Zamora axis in the Call For Interest process, to gauge the interest of the main players in the energy sector in the development of the necessary renewable hydrogen transport infrastructures, and with the data obtained it will resubmit it to the next PCI call for proposals at the end of 2024.

After this project was submitted to the PCI call for proposals by Reganosa in December 2022, the two companies reached an agreement in September 2023 whereby Enagás became the promoter of the Guitiriz-Zamora axis. The company will continue to promote and develop the work necessary to start up this hydrogen pipeline project at the same time as the rest of the axes of the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network.

Enagás will promote the development of projects such as the Guitiriz-Zamora project and others that, after analysing the results of the Call for Interest, are considered necessary in the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network in order to meet national demand in Spain, regardless of their inclusion in the list of PCIs.


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