Enagás has successfully concluded the first phase of the Call For Interest for the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network

Corporate Descarbonisation Renewable gases
21 November 2023
  • On 17 November the deadline ended for data from industry representatives to be submitted on the digital platform set up by Enagás.
  • The fact that over 200 companies have taken part shows the great interest that has been aroused. 

Enagás has successfully completed the first phase of the non-binding Call For Interest process for the first axes of the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network, launched on 14 September, to gauge the interest of the main players in the energy sector in the development of the necessary renewable hydrogen transport infrastructures. The consultation also collected information on ammonia, oxygen and CO2.

More than 200 companies — producers and consumers, traders and other stakeholders — responded to the Call For Interest, demonstrating the huge interest across the industry.

To ensure the traceability and confidentiality of all data, the independent certification company Bureau Veritas is conducting an audit of the process.

As scheduled, Enagás launched the platform on 22 September, and the incorporation of data by sector agents into the digital platform, which can be accessed from Enagás' corporate website, was completed on 17 November. The platform has functioned without interruption or incident throughout the process and will remain open until 27 November to correct any possible errors.

The results of this process, coordinated with the main players in the sector, will make it possible to identify potential users of the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network and, if necessary, adapt the infrastructure proposal presented at the first Enagás Hydrogen Day in January 2023. The Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network plays a crucial role in connecting supply and demand, strengthening the competitiveness of Spanish industry, promoting decarbonisation and facilitating the connection of production centres in the Iberian Peninsula to the H2med corridor. The network is a decisive step towards positioning Spain as the leading hydrogen hub in Europe.

Enagás will now begin to analyse and process all the information and data received in order to carry out the relevant simulations, with the aim of presenting the overall results of this consultation at the second Enagás Hydrogen Day on 31 January.


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