Spain starts November with enough natural gas in storage for the equivalent of 40 days’ consumption

31 October 2021

Thanks to the anticipatory measures introduced in coordination with the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, the Spanish Gas System has higher levels of contracted natural gas capacity than in previous winters on the same date, and is in a better situation than other neighbouring countries.

The Spanish Gas System begins November with 65% more liquefied natural gas (LNG) in regasification terminals: 18.8 TWh compared to 11.4 TWh in October 2020. Underground storage facilities are already at 82% of capacity, with 28.3 TWh of natural gas in storage.

For November, 100% of the capacity offered at Spanish regasification terminals has been contracted, the maximum possible, leaving only 5% according to legislation for daily offer and contracting.

Accordingly, the contracted capacity in LNG tanks for November is 95% -the maximum possible- which compares with 57% contracted in November 2020. For December, with one auction remaining, contracted capacity is already 77.41%, versus 58.71% last year.

As for the slots for the unloading of vessels in Spanish terminals for the winter, which runs from November to March, 136 slots have already been allocated. Last winter, 86 ships discharged at Spanish terminals.

Given the current situation and the slot and capacity reservations already made by shippers, there are no objective indications of a gas supply shortage in the coming months. 

Enagás, as the Gas System Operator, is in permanent coordination with the Electricity System Operator, Red Eléctrica (REE).


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