Enagás obtains the administrative concession for the exploitation of the underground storage in Yela, Guadalajara

20 July 2007

The Company will invest a total of 400 million euros in this facility

Today Enagás obtained the Administrative Concession for the operation of the natural gas underground storage at Yela, in the municipal district of Brihuega (Guadalajara), where the Company will invest a total of more than 400 million euros.

The planned investment for developing the exploitation of the storage rises to 184 million euros, to which both the gas bed investment (non extractable) and the storage connections with the gas system will be added.

This new underground storage will have an operating volume of 1,050 million cubic metres.  The storage will be 2,300 metres deep and will have a maximum production flow of 15 million cubic metres/day.  The facility will span a 65,000 m2 area.

Once the company has all of the necessary permits, the storage will become operative within three years.

The Yela storage will be connected to Enagás’ basic network via a gas pipeline which will begin in the compression station in Algete (Madrid), the Yela-Villar de Arnedo (La Rioja) pipeline and another pipeline coming from Zarza de Tajo (Cuenca).

This storage is key for guaranteeing secure supply because of its strategic location and proximity to Madrid, an Autonomous Community which, in 2006, consumed 7% of the natural gas in all of Spain.

With this new facility, Spain’s underground storage capacity will increase by 50%. The last natural gas storage to become operative in Spain was Gaviota’s off-shore facility (Vizcaya) in 1993. Another underground storage, which became operative in 1989, is in Serrablo (Huesca). Both are managed by Enagás.


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