The Enagás Chairman participates in the annual meeting of the Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development

Events Innovation
26 February 2024
  • At the meeting, led by Forética, top representatives of large companies have prioritised commitments to climate change, inclusion and responsible Artificial Intelligence.

The Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development held its annual executive meeting in the framework of the 25th anniversary of Forética, a business organisation that is a benchmark in sustainability and which leads this initiative in Spain. The meeting, held on 22 February at the headquarters of the ONCE Foundation and under the honorary presidency of H.M. King Felipe VI, brought together Chairpersons and CEOs of 50 large companies, including Antonio Llardén, Chairman of Enagás.




At this high-level forum, the Council presented a joint statement. In it they propose five principles that will guide their adherence to responsibility and sustainability in the development and use of Artificial Intelligence, that it is aligned with the achievement of Net Zero and nature restoration goals, and respectful of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, that it is well governed and integrates inclusion, equality, diversity and the elimination of all forms of discrimination.

During the course of the meeting, Enagás Chairman Antonio Llardén defended that in 2024, Enagás will continue to drive its digital transformation through the integration of artificial intelligence, helping to improve operational efficiency and sustainability in the gas value chain.

The meeting was also attended by Enagás' Director General for Energy Transition, Natalia Latorre, who is a member of the Liaison Group of the Net-Zero Commission of the Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development, which aims to position Spain as a leader in the green transition.

Enagás has been a member of the Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development since its creation in February 2021. Since then, the Council has committed to five principles that revolve around respecting human rights, restoring biodiversity, achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions, promoting diversity, equality and inclusion, and acting under the highest standards of corporate governance and transparency.


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