Enagás presents its Call For Interest at Prensa Ibérica’s Renewable Hydrogen event

Events Descarbonisation Renewable gases
27 October 2023


  • Director of Hydrogen, Jesús Gil, highlights the importance of the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network for the development of the future Europe-wide network

The Director of Hydrogen at Enagás, Jesús Gil, underscored the positive impact that the Hydrogen Backbone Network will have for Spain and Europe as a whole at the Renewable Hydrogen event held by Prensa Ibérica and Activos on 23 October. Gil explained that the non-binding call for interest, which was launched by Enagás last September, is a first step towards developing the national network with a view to “ensuring that the European hydrogen network decarbonises each member state and also Europe in general”.

According to Jesús Gil, “The call for interest will allow us to move from theory to reality.” During his speech, he explained that the aim of the call for expressions of interest is to gather information with which to ascertain the demand for hydrogen in order to develop the infrastructure for this energy vector. 

At the event, which was opened by the Director General of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), Joan Groizard, and which was attended by hydrogen experts from the public and private sectors, Jesús Gil stressed that the construction of a market is the starting point for the development of the hydrogen infrastructure network. “As with [natural] gas infrastructure,” he said, “it has to come from a need, which will allow production to be connected with demand.”


The Director of Hydrogen highlighted Spain's strategic position when it comes to supplying Europe. “It’s a historic opportunity for the country,” he said, adding that by developing a hydrogen value chain of their own, Spain and in Europe will be able to reduce their dependence on foreign countries for energy and technology.

Finally, Jesús Gil stressed the need to train people in hydrogen in order to create specialised talent in this field. “A great deal of training and rethinking of vocational and university education is needed to make this new energy technology a reality for students,” he said.


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