Enagás stresses that H2Med will be key to the development of the European hydrogen market

Events Renewable gases
03 May 2024
  • The Director of Strategy and Planning, María Teresa Nonay, stressed at the 2nd Green Hydrogen Forum of Prensa Ibérica that transport has a great opportunity to decarbonise through this vector

Enagás' Director of Strategy and Planning, María Teresa Nonay, highlighted the H2Med corridor as an example of strategic infrastructure promoted by the governments of Portugal, Spain, France and Germany and the TSOs of the four countries, and its importance for European energy integration. “H2Med is going to be key to the development of the European green hydrogen market,” she said during her speech at the 2nd Green Hydrogen Forum organised by Prensa Ibérica on 30 April in Madrid.


H2Med will transport 20% of Europe’s green hydrogen production by 2030, Nonay stressed, highlighting that REPowerEU reflects the EU’s interest in and support for this energy carrier and the development of infrastructures that guarantee security of supply. “Europe recognises the role of green hydrogen infrastructures and considers them strategic to achieve the decarbonisation of industry, without overlooking the security of supply, an aspect that will be fundamental in the energy transition,” she stressed during her speech “Infrastructures as a catalyst for the hydrogen market”.

“REPowerEU establishes the need to accelerate the construction of hydrogen transport infrastructure, so that European corridors will channel 80% of the expected supply,” she said. H2Med and the first axes of the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone are part of this European hydrogen network, whose inclusion in the list of European Projects of Common Interest (PCI), “is very good news that starts a very hopeful and promising path”, she said about the projects presented by Enagás.

Nonay emphasised that it is also vital to know where supply and demand are in order to connect them, for which she highlighted the importance of the Call For Interest launched by Enagás which, in her words, showed a high potential for renewable hydrogen production in all the autonomous regions of the Peninsula. The Director of Strategy and Planning remarked that the hydrogen economy will have a great social and economic impact for Spain, generating 81,000 jobs and 32,000 million euros of GDP, according to a report prepared with PwC.

She also highlighted the fact that green hydrogen will contribute to achieving sustainable mobility, as transport will account for around 25% of the consumption of this energy carrier in 2030. “Hydrogen is going to be one of the fuels on which the decarbonisation of this sector, which is very important for the Spanish economy, can be based,” she concluded.


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