Arturo Gonzalo reports on the great interest generated by the first phase of the Call For Interest during the European Hydrogen Week

Events Descarbonisation Renewable gases
24 November 2023
  • The Chief Executive Officer participated in a round table that focused on hydrogen as a key element in the energy transition

At the European Hydrogen Week, held in Brussels from 20 to 24 November, the Chief Executive Officer of Enagás, Arturo Gonzalo, stressed Enagás’ commitment to renewable hydrogen as a key element in the path towards the decarbonisation of Europe. “Enagás is committed to developing the first axes of the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone as well as future European hydrogen corridors such as H2Med,” he asserted.



In the framework of the European Hydrogen Week High Level Conference, Arturo Gonzalo took part in the round table “Hydrogen Backbone: the necessary link” together with Gasunie’s CFO, Janneke Hermes; the Executive Director of Snam’s Decarbonisation Unit, Piero Ercoli; the Director of Hydrogen and Green Energy of Thyssenkrup Steel Europe, Henning Weege; the Director of Strategy and Development Division of Desfa, Michael Thomadakis, and the CEO of Hydrogen Europe, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, as moderator.

The Enagás CEO highlighted the huge interest generated in the sector by the first phase of the Call For Interest and said that “our preliminary analysis, after the closing of the Call For Interest, shows that there is a very strong support for the Spanish Backbone and also for H2Med”

In this sense, he stressed the importance of having an adequate regulatory framework for the hydrogen value chain, as well as a European scheme that identifies hydrogen supply and demand. He emphasised that “EU policy makers have a responsibility to promote the hydrogen value chain, but in particular, I believe it is the responsibility of the TSOs (Transmission System Operators), who will be the future or current HNOs (Hydrogen Network Operators)”.


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