Maintaining the highest rating in this ranking, in which more than 24,800 companies participate globally, places Enagás among the most advanced in the world in sustainability and environmental management. The company stands out in areas such as leadership and transparency in emissions reduction, in its management of risks and opportunities related to climate change and in promoting a low-carbon economy.
Enagás has achieved a 25% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions since 2018, exceeding the target set and moving towards its goal of being Net Zero in 2040 for direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions associated with electricity consumption (Scope 2). Furthermore, it has set a target to achieve Net Zero by 2050 in Scope 3 emissions, which affect the company’s value chain.
With this new commitment, Enagás is not only transforming its own operations, but is also driving the decarbonisation of the energy sector as a whole. In this context, the company is advancing in the development of the European H2med corridor and the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network, among other infrastructures, which will be key infrastructures for the decarbonisation of the industry.
Leadership in sustainability
This recognition by the CDP reinforces Enagás’ leadership in sustainability. The company has renewed its presence in the Dow Jones Best-in-Class World Index for the 17th consecutive year and has the highest ESG rating in its sector in the FTSE4Good sustainability index. Moreover, Enagás’ carbon footprint has been registered by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
In line with its commitment to reduce methane emissions, the company voluntarily joined the OGMP 2.0 initiative, spearheaded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with the support of the European Commission. It has achieved the highest rating, Gold Standard, for the fourth consecutive year.
CDP is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to promote greenhouse gas reduction, preserve biodiversity, protect forests and safeguard water resources among companies and governments. Its procedures and methodology are considered a benchmark in corporate environmental transparency for investors all over the world. Fully aligned with the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures, CDP has the largest global environmental database and is the leading provider of climate information for investors. CDP is also a founding member of the Science Based Targets initiative, We Mean Business Coalition, The Investor Agenda and Net Zero Asset Managers.