Enagás launches the Digital Triathlon initiative

Digitalization Corporate
13 November 2023


  • Data has been the challenge in the first round of this competition, featuring Google's collaboration

Enagás has launched the Digital Triathlon initiative, which consists of three events (Datathon, GenIAthon and Hackathon), the aim of which is to provide professionals with different technological tools that enable them to create solutions to simplify their day-to-day work processes.

This dynamic is part of Enagás’ Transformation Plan to boost the development of new skills and knowledge, as well as to promote the digitalisation and efficiency of processes.

The first test, the Datathon, took place on 30 and 31 October, where different company professionals with varied profiles worked divided into seven teams to respond to use cases with a direct impact on productivity.

Data was the challenge of the first test of the competition, which featured Google’s collaboration. For Enagás, data is an asset and a strategic resource. The company has a Data Governance Policy that is aligned with the company’s commitments and is aimed at maximising the value of data and facilitating decision-making and the achievement of the company’s goals, as well as aspects related to data quality, traceability, interoperability, security, uniqueness and ethics.

The idea that won the first prize was “Metering control in out-of-range metering units”, which demonstrates how AI can optimise the performance of MS/RMS (Metering Stations and Regulation and Metering Stations).

As the winning team, they will be able to further develop their solution and will be provided with the necessary tools, a platform, mentors and training for one year.

Second place went to the idea “Dynamic representation of renewable gas connections to the transmission grid”, which deals with how to access relevant information from new applications on the route of the current pipeline network.

Third place was awarded to the proposal “SecurEventDataSqueeze”, an analysis platform and prediction model for security events at Enagás facilities.

The proposals submitted were of a very high standard and the company is studying the viability of the remaining ideas for implementation.


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