Arturo Gonzalo highlights renewable hydrogen as a key vector at El Economista’s 8th Energy Forum

Events Descarbonisation Renewable gases
11 September 2023


The CEO of Enagás, Arturo Gonzalo, highlighted the importance of renewable hydrogen at the 8th Energy Forum “The Review of the National Energy and Climate Plan” organised by El Economista on 7 September. Arturo Gonzalo stressed that it is necessary to look at where the production opportunity and demands for green hydrogen consumption will be. To this end, he explained that “in order to have a better knowledge, it is necessary to start matching supply and demand, a process that is carried out by means of an instrument called Call For Interest”.

Enagás launched its Call For Interest for the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network on 14 September. “The goal is to gather calls for interest in the production and consumption of hydrogen in the country, which will be key to progress in the creation of a competitive market in Spain and Europe”, he said at a forum that addressed different aspects: renewable generation, infrastructures and the development of gases such as biomethane and hydrogen. Three key issues to achieve the goals established by the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) for 2030.

The CEO of Enagás took part in the round table discussion “Infrastructures and development of renewable gases: Biomethane and hydrogen” together with the CEO of Nortegás, Javier Contreras; the CEO of Redexis, Fidel López Soria; the CEO of Nedgia, Raúl Suárez; the General Manager of Reganosa, Emilio Bruquetas Serantes; the General Manager of Smartenergy España, José María Llopis; the Partner in charge of Energy and Resources at Deloitte, Oliverio Álvarez; the General Manager of Gas Extremadura and Director of Energy Efficiency at CL Grupo Industrial, David Aguilera, with the Deputy Director of El Economista, Rubén Esteller, as moderator.

He also mentioned the system of guarantees of origin, a key instrument to accelerate the development of the renewable gas market in Spain. This system currently has 72 authorised players and Enagás GTS (Technical Manager of the Gas System) is working to “incorporate sustainability certificates into the guarantees of origin”.

The Enagás CEO also stressed that decarbonisation is “more urgent than ever” and that it will be carried out with both biomethane and hydrogen: “Spain has a huge opportunity with both vectors and the PNIEC is a very important step towards decarbonisation goals”, he explained.

On energy security, he concluded that “storage is essential for security of supply, and it needs to be provided by a primary grid”.


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