Arturo Gonzalo highlights the key role of innovation in accelerating the development of renewable hydrogen

Events Descarbonisation Infrastructure
13 November 2024
  • On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Technological Research (IIT), the CEO of Enagás said that in order to make progress in the energy transition, it is necessary to “develop joint efforts between research institutions and the business fabric, especially in industry”. 

Arturo Gonzalo, CEO of Enagás, stressed that innovation is essential for the promotion of renewable hydrogen as a key vector for the energy transition. “Collaboration with universities and innovation centres is fundamental to promote innovative projects for the development of green hydrogen,” he said during his speech at the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Technological Research (IIT) of the Pontifical University of Comillas, held in Madrid on 11 November.

Research, technology and innovation play a crucial role in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy. “More than half - between 50% and 70% - of the technologies needed for the energy transition must be developed in the next decade, and many of them are still in technology centres and universities,” he said at the round table “The contribution of research in the energy transition. Private agents, with the former Undersecretary of Hydrocarbons and Electricity of the Government of Mexico, Lourdes Melgar, moderated by IIT Deputy Director José Pablo Chaves.


Arturo Gonzalo highlighted the joint projects that Enagás and the IIT have carried out in recent years to digitise and analyse the deployment of renewable hydrogen and the evolution of the Spanish energy system.

The CEO also highlighted the Chair on renewable gases that Enagás has created with the University of Oviedo, which will promote the adaptation of the LNG terminal, Musel E-Hub, as a multi-molecule plant to make a significant contribution to decarbonisation. 


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