Technological challenges of hydrogen infrastructures

Infrastructure Renewable gases
26/09/2024 - 10:00. Madrid


The Hydrogen Technology Observatory and the French Embassy in Spain, together with the Institut Français de España, are organising: ‘Technological challenges of hydrogen infrastructures’ at the headquarters of the Institut Français in Madrid on 26 September. An event in partnership with Enagás. 

The institutional opening will be given by the Minister Counsellor of the French Embassy in Spain and Chargé d'Affaires, Aymeric Chuzeville, and Energy Transition General Manager of Enagás, Natalia Latorre. A panel of Spanish and French energy sector experts will then discuss the main technological challenges for the development of Europe's future hydrogen network needed to meet the European Union's decarbonisation objectives, without neglecting the competitiveness of this energy vector. Speakers include the Deputy Director of the CNRS Hydrogen Research Federation (FRH2), Daniel Hissel; the Director General of the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), José Moisés Martín Carretero, and the Director of the Institute of Chemical Technology (UPV - CSIC), José Manuel Serra Alfaro; with Beatriz von Munthe, expert in technological innovation and energy transition, as moderator.

Find content related to the event on social media at #H2TechObservatory

You can watch the full video here: 


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