Enagás presented in this webinar the launch of the non-binding Call For Interest process for the first axes of the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone Network.
This first market test has allowed to have a verified analysis of the potential renewable hydrogen market in Spain, with the aim of defining an adapted proposal of Spanish hydrogen infrastructures. This analysis is key to accelerate the creation of a competitive hydrogen market in Spain and Europe.
This Call For Interest process, which has also included a specific consultation on ammonia, CO2 and oxygen, precedes a future binding Open Season process that will enable the allocation of the capacity of hydrogen transport infrastructures to their future users.
The registration and participation in this consultation process, through the enabled platform, ended in November 2023, and the results were presented at the 2nd Enagás Hydrogen Day in January 2024.
In the following video you can listen the webinar in which this non-binding consultation process was presented to the sector. Arturo Gonzalo, Enagás CEO , Natalia Latorre, Energy Transition General Manager, and Jesús Gil, Hydrogen Director, participated in the webinar.
In addition to this webinar, Enagás organised on October 3th an specific informative session for potential users of the platform (renewable hydrogen producers, consumers and marketers), in which the registration process and the completion of documentation on the enabled platform were explained in depth.
You can find related content in the hashtag #ElHidrógenoEsAhora.