A manager with complete independence


Enagás has been the Technical Manager of the Gas System since 2000 and carries out its functions with complete independence from the rest of the Enagás Group’s activities. In compliance with the Additional Provision to the Hydrocarbons Sector Law of 2011, Enagás was spun off in July 2012 into Enagás GTS, S.A.U. and Enagás Transporte, S.A.U.

To ensure the separation of activities, since 2007, Enagás GTS has had a Code of Conduct that complies with the provisions of Article 63 of Law 34/1998 of 7 October on the Hydrocarbons Sector.


Enagás GTS has a Code of Conduct to ensure the separation of the Enagás Group’s activities


The Code of Conduct applies to the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of Enagás S.A., the workforce of Enagás GTS, S.A.U. and the workforce of Enagás, S.A. and other Enagás Group companies that provide corporate services to Enagás GTS, or which for any reason are affected by the regulations applicable to the separation of activities.

The latest revision of the code was approved on 24 October 2022 by the Board of Directors.


The compliance with the Code of Conduct is reviewed annually to guarantee Enagás GTS’ principles of action


Currently, compliance with this Code of Conduct and other measures adopted by Enagás is analysed on an annual basis to ensure the independence, objectivity, neutrality and transparency of Enagás GTS, safeguarding the separation of activities. The results of the analysis are set out in the “Report on compliance with the Code of Conduct and measures to guarantee the separation of activities and the independence of the Technical Manager of the Spanish Gas System” (GTS Independence Report), issued by the Ethical Compliance Committee.


Committed to transparency


Enagás GTS has adopted a series of commitments aimed at guaranteeing standards of transparency, consistency, reliability and accessibility in relation to the publication and disclosure of information. The GTS Good Practice Guide sets out these commitments, which include the creation of a Transparency Committee. Its functions include ensuring compliance with the guide, proposing possible improvements to it and analysing requests submitted by the agents. 

Requests for further publications and amendments to current publications should be submitted to Enagás GTS for evaluation using the following form.


About us

  • Technical Management of the System

  • Markets


    It is responsible for the day-to-day operations with the organised market and other trading and intermediation platforms and for the development and management of the online platform for requesting and contracting capacity. It is also responsible for authorising new entrants in the Gas System, whom it supports and guides through their first steps in the System. In addition, it is responsible for ensuring consistent capacity allocation and balancing within the system and each user. It also manages the settlement processes of user imbalances in all balancing areas and invoices the access and capacity allocation services provided by the GTS. It is also responsible for compliance with REMIT and Transparency regulations

  • Associate (Direction)

    Associate (Direction)

    Supports the needs of the GTS related to the measurement and supervision of renewable gases.

  • Analysis and Development

    Analysis and Development

    Responsible for energy planning in the gas sector and technical management of the Gas System capacity. It is also responsible for forecasting and monitoring demand and carrying out continuous analysis to improve service to the sector. In addition, it promotes the development of GTS IT systems that improve operations, support the sector and ensure security of supply. It also is in charge of the system managing the guarantees of origin for renewable gases and the proposal for the corresponding management procedure.

  • GTS Contracting and Access


    Responsible for developing and managing the online platform for requesting and contracting capacity at facilities included in the third-party access scheme. Manages capacity allocation processes for all products and services offered in the third-party access logistics system (SL-ATR) and performs commercial support functions for the process.
    In addition, it is responsible for authorising users that enter into the framework agreement for access to Gas System facilities and the framework agreement for enabling the balance portfolio to operate in a balancing area (TVB, PVB and AVB). It also manages access to the SL-ATR through the signing of the framework agreement for access to and use of this portal.
    It is responsible for customer services and, therefore, for identifying their expectations, ascertaining and assessing their needs and supporting them in their incorporation and operation within the Spanish Gas System, through the necessary channels and means to ensure an efficient and quality service.

  • Service Desk

    Service Desk

    Responsible for the ongoing support and handling of all complaints, incidents and queries on daily and intraday authorisation, contracting, guarantees, nomination, renomination, operation, provision of information, balancing actions, market platform notifications, allocations and balances processes, following the guidelines of the different areas of the Technical Manager of the System.

  • Development


    Responsible for proposing and monitoring energy planning in the gas sector and the integration of renewable gases in the System. Developing for this purpose prospective and strategic studies that enhance its sustainability. In addition, it is responsible for the technical management of System capacity.

  • Balances and Settlements

    Balances and Settlements

    Responsible for ensuring consistent capacity allocation and balancing within the system and each user, as well as preparing and publishing the information required under current balancing legislation, GTS gas accounts and gas quality values and parameters, including the conversion factor for invoicing.
    It also performs the settlement processes of user imbalances in all balancing areas in accordance with the CNMC methodology set out in Balancing Circular 2/2020, ensuring the principle of economic neutrality for the Technical System Manager and compliance with regulatory schedules. In addition, it is responsible for invoicing the services provided by the GTS according to Circular 8/2019, establishing the methodology and conditions for access and capacity allocation.

  • Security of Supply

    Security of supply and scheduling

    Proposes plans to guarantee the security of supply, is responsible for physical and commercial planning on all time horizons, forecasting system supply and facility use in the short- and medium-term.

  • System Operation Services Area

    System Operation Services Area

    Coordinates cross-cutting processes and GTS continuous improvement plan and supports the reporting, automation and digitization needs of business processes. To this end, it manages the development of the GTS IT systems and it is responsible for forecasting and monitoring short term demand. Additionally, it coordinates the internal and external audit activities of the GTS and monitors the compliance of the Code of Conduct of Enagás GTS, as a safeguard of the independence in the development of it functions and the confidentiality in the handling of information.

  • Operation


    Responsible for the operation of the Gas System, in charge of providing operating guidelines to transmission facilities for the proper operation of the System, according to the agents’ needs and gas import programmes and adapting infrastructure use to commercial and physical requirements and demand, based on safety and efficiency criteria. Oversees the smooth coordination between access points, international connections, storage facilities, and transmission and distribution networks. It also coordinates the maintenance plans of the operators of the facilities to guarantee the security of supply of the System.

  • Markets and Guarantees

    Markets and Guarantees

    Responsible for securing and coordinating daily operations with the organised market and other trading and intermediation platforms, both old and new, including the operation of the MS-ATR. Designs and develops processes for the acquisition of products needed to maintain the transmission network within normal operating limits. Establishes guidelines for performing balancing actions. In charge of acquiring - on the organised market - the products needed for the system to operate. Together with the Guarantees Manager, it is also responsible for calculating the daily calculated risk level and guarantees associated with VTP imbalances and contracting ATR services for transmission and distribution.
    It is also responsible for compliance with REMIT and Transparency regulations.

  • Guarantees of origin

    Guarantees of origin

    As defined by Royal Decree 376/2022, this unit is in charge of the system managing the guarantees of origin for renewable gases once it is implemented.Current tasks involve the development of this system, including drafting of a proposal of its management procedure, and the development of the associated IT system.