We want to play an active role in the transformation of the energy sector and contribute value to the development of renewable gases, the reduction of polluting emissions and energy efficiency.
We participate in working groups and innovation projects at national and European level and in different R&D&I initiatives to promote the creation of sustainable models. In particular, we are part of European associations such as GERG (European Gas Research Group), the Spanish Hydrogen Technology Platform and Hydrogen Europe. At a national level, we are members of the board of trustees of the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation (Fundación del Hidrógeno de Aragón). We collaborated with the University of Oviedo to establish the Chair for the Development of Sustainable Energy Carriers (Cátedra de Desarrollo de Vectores Energéticos Sostenibles), with the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC - Instituto de Investigación en Energía de Cataluña), the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and the University of Salamanca, among others.
Moreover, we drive innovation projects in partnership with other European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and key stakeholders in the energy sector. These projects focus on renewable hydrogen infrastructure, technology to optimise installations, emission measurement and reduction, and the development of solutions for CO2 transport and storage, as well as other energy carriers.
A project focused on optimising purification systems for the storage of green hydrogen in saline caverns, using various membrane technologies after hydrogen extraction. The findings will enhance industry knowledge in this area and facilitate the adaptation of these caverns, located in different regions of Spain, for renewable gases.
This initiative is funded by the programme of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE - Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía) supporting the innovative renewable hydrogen value chain, under the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan - Financed by the European Union’s NextGenerationEU.
Partners: Enagás (coordinator), CRS Ingeniería, Trinity Energy Storage, H2SITE and Iberpotash (ICL Iberia).
For more information, click here.
An initiative led by Enagás, in collaboration with the National Hydrogen Centre (Centro Nacional del Hidrógeno) and Tekniker, to enhance the capabilities of its Metrology and Innovation Centre (CMI - Centro de Metrología e Innovación) and support the emerging hydrogen network and its value chain.
HYLOOP+ involves two main components: firstly, adapting the CMI’s gas analysis and quality laboratory to ensure full compatibility with hydrogen, and secondly, the design, construction, and commissioning of a new hydrogen calibration laboratory.
For more information, click here.
This project is dedicated to the study and research of new technologies, materials, and manufacturing processes focused on the generation, storage, and transport of hydrogen.
It is funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI - Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) and co-financed by European funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.
Partners: Enagás (coordinator), ESTAMP, ROVALMA, AMES, Nano4Energy, H2Greem and Exolum.
For further information, please visit the project’s website.
HYREADY aims to consolidate R&D expertise from various stakeholders in the sector to establish common guidelines for all energy Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to adapt natural gas infrastructures for the future injection of hydrogen.
Partners: Enagás, DNV (coordinator), Chinese Petroleum Pipeline, Enbridge, Fortis BC, Naturgy, Gasunie, GazSystem, GRTgaz, PG&E, SoCalGas, Teréga, Snam, Fluxys, NW Natural, ATCO Group, Rosen, PSG, Dominion, GRDF, GNI and PSE.
For more information, click here.
A project aimed at contributing to the decarbonisation of the energy sector by developing a European roadmap and assessing the feasibility of safely and efficiently integrating hydrogen into the existing natural gas transmission network. Funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Partners: Enagás, GRTgaz (coordinator), Fluxys, Snam, GERG, Fraunhofer, Tecnalia, University of Burgos, CEA Liten, OCAS, Sintef, and the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon (Fundación para el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías del Hidrógeno de Aragón).
For further information, please visit the project’s website.
A technological research project aimed at developing optimised management solutions for the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Since its inception, the project has analysed the necessary developments in hydrogen infrastructure, potential organic carriers for this energy vector, and the feasibility of applying satellite surveillance technologies to detect and prevent geological risks around hydrogen pipelines.
Funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI - Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación).
Partners: Enagás, Capital Energy (coordinator), Ariema, Renault, Tresca, Alsa, Irizar and Aena.
A project aimed at designing and developing specific methodologies and protocols for testing various measurement devices in the existing natural gas transport and distribution networks, as well as for future hydrogen transmission. Funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Partners: Enagás, Snam (coordinator), UNIBO, GERG, GazSystem, GRTgaz, INIG-PIB, FBK, INRETE, CESAME, ENEA, INRIM, METAS and CSIRO.
For further information, please visit the project’s website.
The objective of this project is to establish a new metrological and traceability infrastructure for the flow measurement and intercomparison of hydrogen and natural gas. It will enable the determination of the equivalence of independent traceability chains based on primary and secondary standards.
Partners: Enagás, CESAME (coordinator), GERG, DNV, GRTgaz, PTB, VSL, Force Technology, CMI, SMU, NEL, RMA, TG, UNIBO, EMERSON, SICK and Metas.
Shimmer is a project focused on developing methodologies and tools to internationally standardise the safe management and quality of hydrogen injection processes in multi-gas networks. Funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Partners: Enagás, Sintef (coordinator), GERG, Gassco, Snam, Tecnalia, BAM, INIG, INRETE, POLITO, Redexis, GSYS and TNO.
For further information, please visit the project’s website.
This project aims to assess the conversion of underground gas storage facilities managed by Enagás into future hydrogen storage facilities. The work has demonstrated the feasibility of adapting the Yela storage facility in Guadalajara, and studies are continuing at the Gaviota and Serrablo storage facilities.
Initiative promoted by Enagás and GERG.
The aim of this project is to conduct real-world tests for hydrogen injection and withdrawal at salt cavities storages in France. The results of this initiative will be replicable in other European Union countries. Funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Partners: Enagás, Storengy (coordinator), ESK, Ineris, GRTgaz, Géométhane, Axens, Artelys, Geostock, Capenergies, Armines, ENSMP, IFP Energies, EcoMed and Gasnetz.
For further information, please visit the project's website.
A project aimed at developing a demonstration plant in Tarragona for the conversion of waste into green hydrogen and its subsequent storage. It has received European funding from the Horizon Europe call, led by the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.
Partners: Enagás, Magtel (coordinator), CEMEX, WtEnergy Advanced Solutions, Synhelion, H2Site, Veolia, Eurecat, Cetaqua, Grupo Inveniam, CISC, La Farga, Mincatec, Sintef, Aristeng and ArcelorMittal.
This project aims to establish the foundations for the future large-scale storage and transport of liquid hydrogen (LH2), considering cost, energy efficiency, safety, and sustainability.
Enagás serves as the industrial advisor for this project, which is coordinated by BAM and funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
For further information, please visit the project’s website.
The goal of this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale hydrogen storage in a cost-effective and sustainable manner using LOHC (Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers).
Enagás serves as the industrial advisor for this project, which is coordinated by CEA and funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
For further information, please visit the project’s website.
A project dedicated to developing a hydrogen emission detection system using fibre optics. This system aims to enable continuous monitoring and ensure the safe operation of hydrogen facilities, as well as natural gas installations that can be converted to hydrogen. Funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Partners: Enagás (coordinator), Tecnalia, Lumiker, GERG, GRTgaz, Febus Optics, and the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon (Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Hidrógeno en Aragón).
For further information, please visit the project’s website.
This international project focuses on quantifying hydrogen emissions along the entire hydrogen value chain. It is fully funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Partners: Enagás, Snam (coordinator), BH, DLR, ENEA, Engie, Equinor, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, GERG, Institut Nafty i Gazu, Linde, NPL, University of Surrey, Universita di Bologna and University of California.
For further information, please visit the project’s website.
The project aims to share data and research efforts and develop recommendations to address the elimination of methane emissions from gas sampling systems. These systems are used to supply process gas to quality measurement instruments, where unused gas is generally released into the atmosphere.
Enagás participates as a partner in a collaborative programme established by GERG and coordinated by GRTgaz.
A research project on the potential for implementing CO2 capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) technologies in various European industrial regions. In Spain, the studies will enable the development of an onshore pilot storage facility in the Ebro Basin.
Enagás serves as the industrial advisor for this project, which is coordinated by the Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España).
For further information, please visit the project’s website.