Metrology and Innovation Centre (CMI)


Our Metrology and Innovation Centre (CMI) was created in 1987 in Zaragoza to promote the development of new technologies for the use of natural gas, as well as to manage participation in R&D projects in all areas of the company.

Today, its objectives focus on providing metrology services to support the correct measurement of energy in Enagás and innovation services to achieve carbon neutrality and facilitate the integration of renewable gases into the Gas System.

The facilities currently includes R+D+I activities in support of measurement, the Central Laboratory and a Data Processing Centre (DPC). Furthermore, and in line with Enagás' objectives and commitment to decarbonisation, the company announced on its 2nd Hydrogen Day that it is working on a plan to transform and expand its Metrology and Innovation Centre to serve the future network of hydrogen infrastructures in Spain.


The CMI has been providing services for more than 30 years to the different areas of Enagás and to national and international companies in the natural gas and renewable gases sectors, to which it provides technological support. The Centre offers services in the following areas:

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Metrology and Innovation Centre
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