Green hydrogen is presented as one of the most promising alternatives to reduce carbon emissions and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable energy system. This energy vector brings flexibility and robustness to the system, decarbonises the energy mix - it has applications in all sectors, including those that are difficult to electrify - and strengthens security of supply.

A robust infrastructure network for the transmission and/or storage of green hydrogen will be key to achieving European and national security of supply and decarbonisation objectives. In this respect, Spain is very well positioned to become the first green hydrogen hub in the European Union; it has infrastructures, management experience, a privileged geographical location and a large renewable generation capacity, among many other factors, which will allow it to be an active part of this energy paradigm shift.


Spain is very well positioned to become the first green hydrogen hub in the European Union


For Enagás, decarbonisation and security of supply are part of its purpose and at the heart of its Strategic Plan. The company is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2040 and has been making improvements to its facilities for years to reduce its carbon footprint. Enagás aims to be a key player in the decarbonisation process, contributing its experience and knowledge to the adaptation of existing gas infrastructure to renewable gases and the development of new ones that will accelerate the creation of a competitive hydrogen network and hydrogen market and in Spain and Europe. In this context, the company is promoting the development of H2med, the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone and associated storage facilities, projects that will lay the foundations for making Spain a key player in the development of renewable hydrogen in Europe.