Sponsorships, patronage, donations and collaborations



We promote and collaborate on projects to contribute to economic and social development with a special focus on supply security and decarbonisation, both from the point of view of knowledge dissemination and research and implementation of initiatives to contribute to the energy transition.

Through alliances with other entities, we also participate in social impact projects in different areas such as education, child and youth protection, health and culture. 

These contributions take the form of sponsorships, patronage, donations and collaborations, which amounted to 1.2 million euros in 2023.

Enagás is a member of Grupo LBG España, which works with the London Benchmarking Group (LBG) methodology, a global benchmark for the management, measurement and reporting of activities that companies carry out for the benefit of society and the environment. A further step in the company’s commitment to best practices in social investment.


1.2 M€
Invested in sponsorships, patronage and donations in 2023



Some of our initiatives...

  • We contribute to the socio-economic development and social welfare of the communities in which we operate through different projects such as the ACCEM project in Brihuega to improve the accessibility of dependent people and promote their personal autonomy in rural areas or the improvement of municipal spaces to foster physical activity in the rural population in Bermeo.
  • We support entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives, such as Innoenergy, South Summit or the Fundación Isaac Peral.
  • We are involve in initiatives in the field of Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and Cibersecurity such as IndesIA or Fundación ESYS, among others.
  • We collaborate with cultural and educational institutions such as Fundación Princesa de Girona, Universidad Carlos III or the Escuela Municipal de Música de Lumbier.
  • We boost forums and debates in which we share the progress in Hydrogen projects, an essential vector for decarbonization and security of supply in Spain and Europe.
  • In 2023 we responded to the humanitarian emergency resulting from the Morocco earthquake by collaborating with Cruz Roja, both at a corporate level and through individual voluntary contributions from our professionals to support rescue and recovery works.


Areas of action