Our success is based on people. At Enagás, we promote new and different ways of working that allow us to adapt quickly and easily to the context in which we operate.
As a company, we have the capacity to adapt to change, seek to maximise the delivery of value and are characterised by having an innovative culture and way of working, in which our professionals are a key element. Therefore, we place them at the heart of all our initiatives, and prioritise and adapt our actions as a company to what really matters to them and to their needs.
We promote the adoption of agile principles across the company through specific actions in the area of organisation and processes, incorporating agile methodologies that foster communication, transversality and the training of our professionals in agile principles.
We promote the development of communities of practice to spread the agile culture within the company and create an awareness of cultural change in the organisation, for which we rely on our professionals.
Participate in agile practice communities
Value working in agile