People Allied for Diversity Network


The Enagás People Allied for Diversity Network is an initiative in line with the company’s commitment to create a work environment where all people can develop their potential and contribute value to the business, regardless of their identity, origin, orientation or status. The Network is a voluntary space open to all Enagás professionals who wish to support and defend diversity and inclusion, both inside and outside the company, and where experiences, knowledge and best practices in this field are shared.

Since its creation in 2023, 89 professionals have voluntarily joined, representing the six axes of diversity on which the Enagás diversity and inclusion strategy is based: disability, culture, gender, thought, generational and LGTBIQ+.

The people allied with this Network are committed to being agents of change, promoting respect, tolerance and non-discrimination, and contributing to a work environment where everyone feels comfortable, safe and valued.

Aims of the initiative


Making real stories visible

To learn stories and experiences related to the diversity of the team of professionals who have joined the Network 


The benchmarks, the key

Find out who are the benchmarks of each person in the diversity axis they represent


The angles of diversity

Diversity encompasses multiple perspectives, and it is essential to recognise and promote them in order to facilitate inclusion.

Key figures



Axes of diversity

Disability Axis Ally

Disability axis

To ensure that people with disabilities have equal rights, opportunities and access to integrate into all aspects of life, including work.

16 people from Enagás have joined this axis. One of them is Isadora Romero, Organising Coordinator. Listen to her story!


Cultural Axis Ally

Cultural axis

Promoting multiculturalism and recognising the added value of differences, with each person contributing and helping to build a more enriching social and working environment.

15 people from Enagás have joined this axis. One of them is María Ochoa, Startups Portfolio Manager. Listen to her story!

Gender Axis Ally

Gender axis

To ensure equal treatment and opportunities for women and men and facilitate access to positions of responsibility based on talent, not gender.

10 people from Enagás have joined this axis. One of them is Fátima Romero, Operations and Maintenance Coordinator. Listen to her story!

Thought Axis Ally

Thought axis

Diversified, creative and innovative thinking as a tool for making better and more differentiated decisions and strengthening the commitment of professionals to their companies.

12 people from Enagás have joined this axis. One of them is Óscar García, Coordinator of Digital Solutions and Corporate IT. Listen to his story!

Generational Axis Ally

Generational axis

Promoting the coexistence and integration of different generations, combining the power of experience with the new ways of thinking of young people, is the key to building companies capable of facing the challenges of the future.

18 people from Enagás have joined this axis. One of them is Jesús Gil, Director of Hydrogen. Listen to his story!

LGTBIQ+ Axis Ally

LGTBIQ+ axis

Making LGTBIQ+ groups visible, integrated and normalised in the workplace is crucial to move towards a more diverse and inclusive society.

18 people from Enagás have joined this axis. Two of them are Merche Alba, Financial Projects Manager, and Javier Bueso, Cybersecurity Benchmark. Listen to their stories!


Through this People Allied with Diversity Network, Enagás will carry out different initiatives throughout the year to continue promoting a culture of diversity and inclusion. 

And on social media…

Find content related to this initiative through the hashtags #LaDiversidadEsTuRiqueza and #MesEuropeodelaDiversidad.