Enagás is a company where people can grow while remaining true to their principles, values and themselves. We promote an inclusive environment where our professionals are and feel visible, engaged and free to express themselves. We believe in the power of the uniqueness of each individual and we enhance it as a way of adding value to the company.

We work every day to ensure a healthy and innovative working environment in which diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities are hallmarks of the company. Diverse talent will enable us to move more quickly towards our future challenges.

Our framework for action

Our priority is to promote, with a diverse and inclusive vision, a cultural environment that makes Enagás an excellent place to work and which responds to the challenges posed by current socio-demographic, economic and cultural changes, such as globalisation, multiculturalism, gender and age differences, the assumption of responsibilities in terms of work-life balance and shared family responsibilities, changes in prevailing social values and new technologies.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy establishes the commitments and lines of action to position diversity and inclusion management as key elements of the company's global strategy. You can access it below.


We have built an action framework for the promotion of equality in the company and we are committed to applying the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination. We also promote a working environment in which trust and mutual respect prevail and where integration and recognition of individual merit are hallmarks of Enagás.  

Below you can consult the II Enagás Equality Plan, as well as the company's prevention and action protocol in the event of any situation of harassment in the workplace, which incorporates the legal requirements regarding equality and non-discrimination of LGTBI people in companies:


Axes of diversity

Creating a fully diverse and inclusive company requires the commitment of everyone in the organisation. For this reason, we encourage each Enagás professional to be responsible for building and supporting an appropriate inclusive culture that will allow us to progress in the following areas of action.

89 professionals of Enagás have joined our Diversity Allies Network and contribute to amplify the visibility of each axis, as well the importance of boosting diversity and inclusion in all fields, including the workplace



Ensure equal treatment and opportunities for women and men and facilitate the environment and conditions in which everyone can aspire to and reach positions of responsibility.



Progress towards the full workplace inclusion of people with disabilities, guaranteeing them the same integration opportunities in every aspect of their lives, up to their maximum abilities and preferences.



Ensure that different generations can coexist in harmony, integrate, find common ground and bring the best they have to offer, while remaining true to themselves and forming high-performance teams.

Icono con bola del mundo


Promote the benefits of multiculturalism and differences in habits, language and thinking so that these are not seen as a barrier but as an opportunity to achieve objectives and provide a better service and employee experience.

Icono de una bombilla encendida representando una idea


Create a culture and professional environment where diversity of beliefs, education, skills, thinking and preferences contribute to enhancing the innovation, sound decision making and engagement of professionals.



Represent, integrate and normalise LGBT+ groups in the professional environment to improve their inclusion, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender expression and identity.




We have been awarded with the Equality in the Company Distinction for gender equality since 2010 and the Bequal Seal in recognition of our commitment to social inclusion of people with disabilities.


And, in addition...


We are members of the Diversity Charter, an initiative supported by the European Commission aimed at making organizations' commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace more visible.

We are part of the Generation and Talent Observatory for the management of generational diversity in companies. 

We are associated to REDI, the first business network in Spain for diversity and LGTBI inclusion in organizations.



Our roadmap

Diversity, inclusion and the promotion of work-life balance and co-responsibility are the pillars of our integrated people management model.


Diversity at Enagás means promoting teams made up of people with different characteristics and capabilities, ways of thinking, acting or interacting. Diversity refers to our differences and who we are.

Enagás is committed to ensure diversity plays a key role in the access to employment, personal progress and development and promotion within the company.



Countries of birth

Average age

Years average length of service

30 %

41 %
Women in management and pre-management positions

40 %
Women on the Board of Directors

The following table shows the percentage of women in the workforce and in management positions at year-end:

Women managers(1)30.6%36.4%36.2%
    Women in the Executive Committee
    (One level of reporting to the Chief Executive Officer)
    Women senior managers
    (Two levels of reporting to the Chief Executive Officer)
    Other women managers
    (Three levels of reporting to the Chief Executive Officer)
Women managers and pre-managers (<= four levels of reporting to the Chief Executive Officer)(1)37.3%40.3%40.8%


(1) In 2019, a new career model, the technical career, was implemented aimed at creating and identifying experts in those areas of knowledge that are critical for Enagás. Therefore, for the purpose of calculating the percentage of women in management and pre-management positions, the workforce included in that technical career are excluded.

In relation to gender diversity in the company’s organisational structures, 17.7% of organisational positions considered to be STEM-related and 22.4% of positions that directly contribute to revenue generation are filled by women.


Inclusion at Enagás means valuing and counting on all people and their contributions. Allowing them be themselves and feel unique. To this end, our listening project includes regular surveys that help us to understand our professionals’ views on different areas and to measure the organisational climate and the sustainable engagement index in the company.

Inclusion refers to the way we harness our diversity.

overall satisfaction rate

sustainable engagement index

Inclusive processes in the employee life cycle

Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy includes an action plan linked to the professional’s life cycle which, in turn, is defined in the different axes of the company’s diversity and inclusion strategy. 


Work-life balance and the promotion of shared family responsibilities are key instruments for ensuring equal opportunities. For this reason, we have a comprehensive plan of more than 125 measures to enable our professionals to reconcile the different aspects of their personal and professional lives.

These work-life balance measures are related to the following action areas.


In addition, we have been awarded Family-Responsible Company (EFR) certification by the MásFamilia Foundation! This seal recognises that we are committed to ensuring that our employees have a balance between their professional, personal and family lives, while we also encourage a business culture based on flexibility, responsibility and mutual respect and commitment.